Building Business Process Automation with SharePoint

Building Business Process Automation with SharePoint

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce manual tasks. Business process automation (BPA) is a key strategy for achieving these objectives, allowing companies to automate repetitive tasks, improve collaboration, and optimize workflows. SharePoint, Microsoft’s powerful collaboration platform, offers robust capabilities for building and deploying business process automation solutions. In this article, we’ll explore how SharePoint can be leveraged to automate business processes effectively.

Understanding Business Process Automation

Before delving into how SharePoint facilitates business process automation, it’s essential to understand what BPA entails. Business process automation involves the use of technology to automate repetitive tasks, workflows, and processes within an organization. By automating routine tasks, businesses can reduce human error, increase productivity, and allocate resources more efficiently. BPA also enables organizations to standardize processes, enforce compliance, and improve overall operational effectiveness.

Benefits of Business Process Automation with SharePoint

SharePoint offers several advantages for implementing business process automation solutions:

  1. Integration with Microsoft 365: SharePoint seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft 365 applications such as Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow), Power Apps, Teams, Outlook, Excel etc. This integration allows for the creation of end-to-end automation workflows that span multiple applications and services.
  2. Customizable Workflows: SharePoint works with Power Automate which provides a powerful workflow engine that enables users to create customized workflows to automate various business processes. Users can design workflows to automate approval processes, document routing, notifications, and more.
  3. Centralized Data and Documents: SharePoint serves as a centralized repository for storing and managing documents, data, and information. This centralized storage facilitates process automation by providing a single source of truth for accessing and updating relevant data within automated workflows.
  4. Security and Compliance: SharePoint offers robust security features, including granular permissions, encryption, auditing, and compliance capabilities. These security features ensure that sensitive business data remains secure throughout the automation process, helping organizations meet regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: SharePoint is highly scalable and adaptable to the needs of organizations of all sizes. Whether automating simple tasks or complex business processes, SharePoint can scale to accommodate growing demands and evolving requirements.

Dig Deeper: 5 Benefits of using Microsoft SharePoint Document Management System for your business

Steps to Building Business Process Automation with SharePoint

Building business process automation solutions with SharePoint involves several key steps:

  1. Identify and Analyze Processes: Begin by identifying the business processes that are prime candidates for automation. Analyze these processes to understand their workflow, inputs, outputs, stakeholders, and pain points.
  2. Design Workflows: Use Power Automate, or third-party tools to design workflows that automate the identified processes. Map out the steps, actions, conditions, and triggers involved in each workflow to ensure they align with business requirements.
  3. Integrate with Data Sources and Applications: Integrate SharePoint with relevant data sources, systems, and applications to access and manipulate data as needed within the automated workflows. Leverage SharePoint’s integration capabilities to connect with Microsoft 365 services, external databases, web services, and line-of-business applications.
  4. Implement Automation Logic: Implement automation logic within the workflows to perform tasks such as data validation, conditional routing, approvals, notifications, and data transformations. Use SharePoint’s built-in actions and connectors, as well as custom scripts if necessary, to automate these tasks efficiently.
  5. Test and Iterate: Thoroughly test the automated workflows to ensure they function as intended and address the identified business requirements. Solicit feedback from stakeholders and end-users, and iterate on the workflows as needed to refine their performance and usability.
  6. Deploy and Monitor: Once the workflows are tested and validated, deploy them into production and monitor their performance in real-world scenarios. Continuously monitor the automated processes, gather metrics, and make adjustments as necessary to optimize performance and address any issues that may arise.

MicroGenesis specializes in SharePoint services, aiding businesses in streamlining their operations through efficient business process automation. With our expertise, we help organizations harness the full potential of SharePoint, from customizing workflows to integrating third-party tools, ensuring seamless collaboration and improved productivity across the board. Trust MicroGenesis to empower your business with cutting-edge SharePoint solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Make Your Approval Processes Smooth With In-app Approval in PowerApps

Make Your Approval Processes Smooth With In-app Approval in PowerApps

Microsoft PowerApps offers a powerful solution to simplify and automate the app approval process, providing organizations with a flexible and user-friendly platform. One powerful feature within PowerApps is the ability to implement in-app approval workflows, allowing users to manage and authorize requests seamlessly within the PowerApps environment, eliminating the need for external tools like Power Automate. In this article, we will explore how PowerApps can be leveraged to streamline In-app approval processes, saving time and increasing overall productivity.

Understanding PowerApps In-App Approval:

PowerApps In-App Approval refers to the capability of embedding approval workflows directly within custom applications developed using PowerApps. This feature facilitates a more integrated and user-friendly approach to approvals, eliminating the need for users to switch between different applications or platforms. Whether it’s a request for leave, a purchase order, or any other approval-based process, PowerApps In-App Approval can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each organization.

Key Benefits of PowerApps In-App Approval:

With in-app approval workflows, users can perform approval tasks without leaving the PowerApps environment. This seamless integration provides a unified user experience, reducing the need for context-switching and improving overall usability. In-app approval streamlines decision-making processes, significantly reducing the time it takes to get approvals. This efficiency translates to cost savings and allows employees to focus on more value-added tasks rather than administrative overhead.

PowerApps allows organizations to design custom applications tailored to their specific approval processes. Whether it’s a multi-step project approval or a simple expense report, PowerApps In-App Approval can be adapted to meet the unique requirements of different business processes.

Implementation Steps for In-App Approvals in PowerApps:

Identify Approval Processes:

Clearly define the approval processes that can benefit from in-app approvals within your organization. Whether it’s leave requests, expense approvals or project signoffs, identify the workflows that could be streamlined.

Design the PowerApps:

Utilize the PowerApps platform to design a custom application that includes forms, fields, and user interfaces for submitting and managing approval requests. Ensure that the app aligns with the specific requirements of your approval processes.

Implement Approval Logic:

Within PowerApps, incorporate the logic for the approval process. This may include defining approvers, setting conditions for approval, and configuring any additional steps required for decision-making.

Create User-Friendly Interfaces:

Design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for both request submitters and approvers. Make sure that the process is easy to understand and navigate within the PowerApps environment.

Testing and Feedback:

Conduct thorough testing of the in-app approval workflows. Gather feedback from users to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement.

Deployment and User Training:

Once testing is successful, deploy the PowerApps with in-app approvals to your organization. Provide comprehensive training to users, ensuring they are familiar with the new process and comfortable navigating within the PowerApps environment.

Dig Deeper: A Comprehensive Overview on PowerApps

How MicroGenesis Facilitates Seamless In-App Approvals with PowerApps

MicroGenesis specializes in optimizing PowerApps to streamline and enhance in-app approval processes for organizations. Leveraging our expertise, we guide clients through the following steps to ensure a smooth and efficient implementation:

Strategic Consultation:

MicroGenesis conducts a thorough analysis to identify approval processes that can benefit from in-app approvals. We collaborate with clients to understand their unique workflow requirements.

Custom PowerApps Development:

Our team utilizes the PowerApps platform to design and develop tailored applications that align with specific approval processes. We create user-friendly interfaces, forms, and logic to facilitate seamless in-app approvals.

Logic Integration:

MicroGenesis integrates approval logic within PowerApps, defining approvers, setting approval conditions, and configuring necessary decision-making steps. This ensures that the in-app approval workflows meet the precise needs of each process.

User-Centric Design:

We prioritize user experience by designing intuitive interfaces for both request submitters and approvers. Our goal is to make the in-app approval process easy to understand and navigate within the PowerApps environment.

Testing and Feedback Loop:

Rigorous testing is conducted to identify and address any potential issues. We actively seek feedback from users, incorporating valuable insights to refine and improve the in-app approval workflows.

Deployment and Training:

Upon successful testing, MicroGenesis facilitates the deployment of PowerApps with in-app approvals across the organization. Comprehensive user training is provided to ensure a smooth transition and user comfort within the PowerApps environment.

MicroGenesis is committed to empowering organizations with efficient and user-friendly in-app approval solutions using Microsoft PowerApps.

A Comprehensive Overview on PowerApps

A Comprehensive Overview on PowerApps

Microsoft PowerApps emerges as a versatile solution, enabling users to create applications without the need for extensive coding expertise. Microsoft PowerApps is a suite of apps, connectors, and services that allows users to build custom applications tailored to their specific business needs. It empowers individuals, regardless of their technical background, to create apps that can automate workflows, connect to various data sources, and facilitate better collaboration.

This article explores the significance of PowerApps and delves into its numerous advantages that empower organizations to revolutionize their processes.

Democratizing App Development:

One of the key significances of PowerApps lies in its ability to democratize application development. Traditional app development often requires specialized skills and resources, making it challenging for non-developers to actively contribute to the process. PowerApps changes this paradigm by allowing business users, often referred to as “citizen developers,” to create functional applications, reducing the dependency on IT departments.

Rapid Application Development:

PowerApps facilitates rapid application development by offering a user-friendly interface and pre-built templates. The drag-and-drop functionality and intuitive design features significantly expedite the development process, allowing organizations to respond swiftly to changing business requirements. This agility is particularly crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Integration Capabilities:

Seamless integration with other Microsoft products, such as Azure, Dynamics 365, and Power BI, enhances PowerApps’ significance. This interoperability ensures that applications can leverage existing data sources and collaborate effortlessly with other business solutions. The ability to connect to data sources, including on-premises and cloud-based systems, enhances the flexibility of PowerApps.

Advantages in PowerApps:

PowerApps is designed with a low-code/no-code approach, allowing users with varying technical backgrounds to create applications without extensive coding knowledge. This democratizes the development process and enables business users, often referred to as citizen developers, to actively contribute to application creation.

PowerApps accelerates the application development lifecycle by providing pre-built templates, a drag-and-drop interface, and a wide range of connectors. This allows for the rapid prototyping, testing, and deployment of applications, reducing the time and effort required for traditional development.

PowerApps supports a wide range of data connectors, allowing users to connect to both Microsoft and third-party data sources. This flexibility enables organizations to leverage their existing data investments and incorporate data from diverse sources into their applications.

The responsive design features of PowerApps ensure that applications created are mobile-friendly by default. This is crucial in a world where mobile devices play a central role in business operations. PowerApps applications can be accessed and used seamlessly on a variety of devices.

Also Read: Make Your Approval Processes Smooth With In-app Approval in PowerApps

Challenges in PowerApps:

As the complexity of PowerApps applications increases, there might be performance issues, especially when dealing with large datasets. Users need to optimize their applications to ensure smooth performance across various devices.

Managing and controlling user access to PowerApps and the underlying data sources can be challenging. Ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific applications and data is crucial for maintaining security.

While PowerApps offers cost-effective solutions, organizations need to carefully consider licensing costs, especially as usage scales. Premium features and capabilities including connection to premium data source like Dataverse or premium connectors may require premium licensing, impacting the overall cost-effectiveness of the platform. Premium license for a user costs Rs 1570 which allows unlimited Power Apps and Power Pages for assigned user.

MicroGenesis aids organizations in utilizing Microsoft PowerApps, providing expert guidance in app development and overcoming its challenges. They help democratize app creation, enabling users with varied technical skills to develop functional apps efficiently. With their support, businesses can rapidly prototype and deploy applications, integrate with various data sources, and ensure applications are mobile-responsive and secure. Additionally, MicroGenesis assists in navigating licensing complexities, ensuring cost-effective use of PowerApps.

5 Benefits of using Microsoft SharePoint Document Management System for your business

5 Benefits of using Microsoft SharePoint Document Management System for your business

Documents are a crucial part of business information collaboration or business activities. However, managing documents is a difficult task particularly when the volume is high. Finding an important document can be a time-consuming task. SharePoint Document Management System is changing the future of document management and enabling teams to be more productive and efficient.

What is Microsoft SharePoint?

Looking at the current situation where most teams are working remotely or through multiple locations, it becomes extremely critical for employees to get instant access to the business-critical documents or information. With Microsoft SharePoint, employees can open, review, edit, track, and share documents from any part of the world conveniently. SharePoint apart from being a file repository, can also be used for team sites, web content management system like intranet sites etc. SharePoint comes various multiple tools and features that makes it an advanced suite of document management.

Check the detailed Explaination on What is microsoft sharepoint and how it is important for business? 

Benefits of using SharePoint for business

 1. Enhanced data security

With a document management system in place critical documents can be stored in a secure manner by controlling the user access. Microsoft document management system also adds extra layer of security by letting the owner keep track of the user access through audits. Through digitization on cloud a lot of cumbersome paperwork could be reduced, and physical space can be saved. Through proper backup, retention policy and recycle bin policy risk of data loss can also be mitigated. It also guarantees proper control at every level through compliance and security center.

2. Regulatory compliance

Critical sectors like healthcare, legal or finance must strictly follow the regulatory norms and guidelines. Most of these revolve around managing documents efficiently or it could lead to complete disapproval of documentation or data loss. Having a document management system makes everything easier from security settings that adhere with specific compliance regulations at every checkpoint to audit reports etc.

3. Effective collaboration among teams

Version control is an important feature of SharePoint that tracks every single update made to a document, as well as the time and person who performed the edit. It also allows for the editing to be done by a single individual to avoid duplication of effort. When teams can share files and update them in real-time, their collaborative efforts improve.

4. Improved data management

Trying to manage and store data is an exhausting and time-consuming process that may consume several productive hours. With the Microsoft document management system, you don’t have to worry about it. It can be easily integrated with any of your systems and store all relevant data you need anytime, anywhere without scrolling or searching through heaps of documents.

5. Saves valuable time

SharePoint is one of the fastest-growing document management systems in the market. It saves a lot of valuable time that can be utilized in performing other valuable tasks.

Parting thoughts

SharePoint document management system has good usage and benefits for all sizes of business. If implemented successfully, any business big, medium, or small can improve teams’ productivity and collaboration while managing the documents. Among the numerous benefits that Microsoft DMS offers it is well worth the investment.

How MicroGenesis can help you leverage Microsoft DMS?

As a certified Microsoft Partner, MicroGenesis can help you seamlessly implement Microsoft DMS in your system. We offer technical guidance, implementation, support, and cost-effective services that enable businesses to meet challenges efficiently.

To book a free consultation from our technical experts contact us

What is Microsoft SharePoint? Why it is important for your business

What is Microsoft SharePoint? Why it is important for your business

Microsoft SharePoint is an enterprise grade collaboration, communication and content management platform empowering individual, teams and organizations to share information, documents seamlessly, easily create intranets, business portals, manage content and business processes from anywhere at any time on any device.

Streamlining business processes and reducing costs becomes easy with the implementation of SharePoint. Taking advantage of the SharePoint features users, developers and designers can boost teams’ productivity, promote transparency, and information sharing.

Let’s discuss the SharePoint features in detail below that are compelling several leading companies to implement SharePoint in their business process.

1. Ease of enterprise information management

Ease of enterprise information management is one of the important features of SharePoint. It supports a good information architecture by allowing to effectively implement and manage information. Meets requirements like regulatory requirements, privacy needs and security goals. Also increases business effectiveness of the organization.

2. Easily customisable

SharePoint is easily customisable as per the team’s demand with a large range of features available out of the box. This feature makes it popular among enterprises. Teams can customize the application’s interface or continue with the default features available with the app.

3. Effective collaboration

This SharePoint feature is critical for enterprises that are working on a hybrid or remote location model. It allows teams working in different locations to communicate with one another through a single dashboard and a common storage platform. It also provides a smooth and efficient approach to team-based work, allowing information to flow freely throughout the company.

4. Easy integration with existing apps

Compatibility is never an issue with Microsoft SharePoint. It gets easily integrated with Microsoft applications like Microsoft Word, Office, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Teams, Power Automate, Power BI etc. Also, it can be integrated with many non-Microsoft apps.

5. Enhanced security

SharePoint’s enhanced security feature helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access, data loss and system outages. It also assists organizations to improve data security by allowing them to select multiple settings to regulate data shareability, storage, and auditing, allowing them to better comply with industry regulatory data security requirements.

6. Streamlined and structured business process

SharePoint enables businesses to collect and organise data in one place using its integrated dashboards. Through its form-driven solution, collecting information, communication and interaction with multiple stakeholders become easy, enabling businesses to use data and correct resources to streamline business processes and deliver value-driven business outcomes.

Also Read these blog: How can Microsoft sharepoint Document Management system helps business

7. Notification and Approval

Some documents, like HR policy or invoices, need approval before they can be viewed by all users. Intimation and approval workflows can be managed using Power Automate which gels well with SharePoint. You can also use Power Automate to automate repetitive tasks and business process.


Microsoft SharePoint has been recognized as a leader in the Gartner Content Services Platform Magic Quadrant for 2020. Its secure, scalable, collaborative, and customizable features get better with each update. MicroGenesis has formed strategic partnership with Microsoft to empower its customers efficiently organize vast amounts of content and data and streamline business processes. If you want to deploy SharePoint for your business, MicroGenesis can help. Know more about our Microsoft SharePoint Services : or get a free consultation here:   

5 Big ways Microsoft Teams can improve team collaboration

5 Big ways Microsoft Teams can improve team collaboration

Businesses are evolving at lightning speed, so does the nature of work. Considering the pandemic and work from anywhere situations, teams are now more inclined towards collaboration tools that are secure and help them reap maximum benefits of the leading technology. There are many collaboration and productivity tools available for easy collaboration among businesses. However, the usability score of Microsoft teams is the highest among all as it helps unlock potentials to improve team’s collaboration and gain a competitive edge in the digital era.

There are several seasons for Microsoft teams to be a preferred choice for several leading businesses. Let’s have a look at the top 5 ways Microsoft Teams can help in improving teams’ communication.

1. Single window for multiple communication
Microsoft teams have changed the way teams collaborate. Traditional collaboration methods via email, telephone and multiple email attachments now seem out of the picture with Microsoft teams. Employees can easily navigate through communication channels such as video calling, instant chat, real-time document sharing within a single window of communication.

2.Simple and flexible user-interface
Microsoft teams have a flexible and simple interface. It provides employees with the right tools to collaborate from remote locations, through multiple devices and without creating any functional silos. The user interface is easy to navigate through the dashboards, communication is in threads for easy access to information. This also enables better performance and task results.

3.Single point of contact to multiple channels
Teams are more than just a communication tool; it’s also linked with Office 365, allowing users quick access to Office productivity apps like Excel and Word, as well as cloud storage and syncing services like SharePoint and OneDrive. With Microsoft Teams employees can seamlessly transition between video chat, instant messaging, email, and document collaboration by combining multiple products into all-purpose, omnichannel collaboration hubs.

4.Improved collaboration, maximized ROI
Teams come along with an Office 365 subscription and a terrific way to get your staff to transition from email threads and email attachments to a more streamlined mode of communication. Teams allow employees to exchange files, schedule meetings, and sync with other Office products such as OneNote, OneDrive, and Skype for business. This increases teamwork and communication while increasing Office 365 adoption.

5.Frequent addition of interactive updates
Microsoft teams keep evolving with new additions to improve the user experience. These features help the team to stay updated and work more efficiently to complete a particular task. To unleash the full potential of Microsoft Teams, you can search for the relevant app from the Microsoft team app store and enable them across your organization.

Organisations across the industries need a standardized and cohesive communication and collaboration channel to ensure their teams can collaborate easily. Microsoft teams offer the best tools and solutions that enable your squad to get together from anywhere, anytime.

At MicroGenesis, we enable businesses across industries to establish proven processes and effective Microsoft solutions to get optimum results from their Microsoft investment. To know more about our Microsoft solutions and services visit